
Thai Oil Refinery


Thai Oil Refinery



Load Detail

Max. Weight of the module was 1600 Te and Dimension was 36.5m x 13.5m x 30.5m.

Scope of work

Transportation/ Installation / Load out-in of Modules and equipment

Detail of Work

We are glad to support our client Mammoet with our experienced. Together with Mammoet we have been asked to provide engineering support for Transportation and Installation of more than 400 modules/equipment with SPMT, climbing jack and Maga jack Including Method statement and risk assessment in Thai Oil Refinery with DNV standard.

Creative Engineering Service involved in the project 2.5 years. This project requires a joint effort to succeed, to achieve deliverable as per client requirement in short term. Later, in this project Creative was taking lead of the engineering team including attend all engineering meeting with client, conclude day to day engineering activity with the client.

We’re proud to be part of this project!
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